$45,000 per month making PowerPoint presentations 😎

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  • $45K/Month Making PowerPoint Presentations

  • 3 Course Recommendations (On Sale Now)

  • His Side Hustle Did $10k in Its First Two Days

  • Do You Mostly Produce or Consume?

  • $1500/Month Directory Website (With A Twist)

  • 24-Year-Old Earning $10K/Month With ChatGPT Product

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$45K/Month Making PowerPoint Presentations

Aayush Jain started INK PPT in 2015 🚀

Officially it's a "presentation design agency" but essentially they help clients make better PowerPoint presentations.

Several years on, the business has 30+ team members and averages $45,000 in monthly revenue 🤯

Aayush shared the origin story in a recent interview

The idea for INK PPT was born out of my own experiences [working at a big IT company]. I frequently found myself tasked with creating presentations for executives within the organization.

Aayush was a software developer at the company, but he really enjoyed creating those PowerPoint presentations 😍

So he decided to take it further…

To validate the idea and my abilities, I began taking on freelance projects in presentation design. The positive feedback and growing demand for my services reinforced my conviction in the field of design.

Then came a misstep…

INK PPT was started as a Presentation template marketplace offering $1 pre-made high-quality templates for anyone who needs them. The marketplace business failed to attract a lot of eyeballs.

So Aayush had to pivot…

After 3 months, I made all the templates free of cost and launched a custom presentation design service for brands…

Since then, we have been getting a great deal of work requests from Start-up founders, and Fortune 500 companies for custom presentation design & training needs.

💬 In terms of getting the word out, Aayush says…

Our marketing and traffic efforts primarily revolved around organic growth. We did not rely on paid ads

SimilarWeb estimates that INK PPT now gets ~50K visitors per month 📈

Last words from Aayush…

Not being unique is okay, if you hold the position tight for a long time, competition may fade away.

I love that, reminds me of a statistic about the top 1% of all podcasts

Your competition is not the 2 million podcasts. It’s the 20,000 podcasters who didn’t quit.

In other words, persistence is a big competitive advantage 💪

To wrap up here, think back to jobs you've had in the past. Was there a specific task you were really good at and/or enjoyed doing?

Aayush identified such a task and turned it into a $45K/month business.

Could you do similar? 🤔

3 Course Recommendations (On Sale Now)

Today's email is brought to you by Udemy's Black Friday Sale 👈

Use promo code BFCP23 to save up to 80% on courses until November 27th 🥳

Check out these 3 top-rated courses with 1000's of reviews…

His Side Hustle Did $10k in Its First Two Days

🗂 From the archive, published November 2022…

Via Trends.co

Dr. Kendrick Scott was a triple threat — an ex-college football player with multiple degrees, teaching business strategy full-time as a university professor, and consulting on the side with major brands.

Most would have stopped there. But Scott recently launched another side hustle, InfoAthlete, that coaches student athletes in their journey of “getting to, and through, college,” and transitioning into careers.

Apparently the business pulled in “$10k in its first two days, $20k in its first week, and $40k+ in its first month.” 🤑

And the good doctor did it without any ad spend or a big social media following.

It seems he mainly found leads for his coaching business by posting about it on his personal Facebook profile.

A post he published last May went like this…

Hello everyone I am doing interviews for my athletic coaching and consulting business If you are a parent or know someone who is trying to get exposure for their athlete to get to the next level. HMU. I want to interview you or them to understand what their needs are. I had no offers after my senior year walking across stage…within 2.5 months we had 9 full ride offers. Post here or inbox me.

I’m guessing many of those interviewees eventually became coaching clients.

A key takeaway from Dr. Scott…

Don’t underestimate the value of your personal network, or chase outside traffic before tapping connections you already have. Not only is your inner circle a great way to find those early clients, it’s also a great way to learn what value your customers think you offer.

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Do You Mostly Produce or Consume?

Stoop Kid tweets

there are many axes on which you can slice people, but my favorite is:

does a person have predominantly productive or consumptive tendencies?

productive: writing, athletics, cooking, building, studying

consumptive: TV, dining out, video games, leisure reading, shopping

It's a simple framework and a useful lens for gaining awareness into how you spend your time ⏳

Are your habits weighted towards productive activities that build skills and create value?

Or do you lean more towards consumptive activities? 😕

Consumption is fine in moderation of course. But it's the productive tendencies that help you get ahead in life and business.

A reply to Stoop's tweet…

Do social activities count as productive or consumptive?

Parties, dinners, etc. Most successful people I know spend a majority of free time on these.

Stoop replies

Strongly agree though about socializing. It can be incredibly productive. You can view it as a long term productivity play, an investment. Just like studying is temporarily consumptive but long term productive if you do it well.

So there's a lot of nuance here, and what counts as consumptive for me might be productive for you.

But a handy framework nonetheless.

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