$160,000 in 2 years selling spreadsheet templates 😎

Welcome to a fresh edition of eBiz Insider, my free newsletter packed with tips, insights and opportunities to build your online business.


  • $45,000 in 2.5 Years as an Unqualified Language Teacher

  • The Formula To Profit From Amazon

  • Unsexy Business Sold for $50 Million

  • Imposter Syndrome vs Growth Mindset

  • Revived Her Teenage Passion = $1 Million in 4 Years

  • $160K in 2 Years Selling Spreadsheet Templates

  • $75K/Month Online Arbitrage

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$45,000 in 2.5 Years as an Unqualified Language Teacher

In a recent video, Zee Chew talks about how much money she's earned as a community tutor on iTalki 💬

iTalki is a language learning marketplace, where learners can hire professional teachers or community tutors.

As a community tutor, like Zee, you don't need to have any formal teaching qualifications 🥳

Check out Zee's profile on iTalki and you can see that she teaches Chinese (Mandarin) and English. The vast majority of her students seem to be Mandarin speakers who want to learn English 🇬🇧

Zee charges about $20 per 30-minute lesson.

She says in the video…

In total, I made about $45,000 [in 2.5 years] after the 15% commission cut, which, in my opinion, is still quite a decent amount of money…

Thanks to the consistent extra cash coming in, I was able to live a digital nomad lifestyle and travel across Europe back in 2022.

🚀 How she got started back in 2021…

I was feeling miserable and lost after investing six months in a [job] interview which I ultimately failed. It took me six months just to fail that interview.

At that time, I just wanted to do something productive, and I knew that I had to make money. I couldn't just stay at home doing nothing.


I started googling how to make money online, and that's when I stumbled upon iTalki and Preply [another language learning marketplace]….

After assessing my own skill sets and checking the requirements from the platforms, I signed up immediately and began my tutoring journey as an online figure without any experience.

If you're eager to try iTalki yourself, Zee offers some tips in the video 👍

However, she doesn't mention anything about pricing, and I suspect a big part in her success was starting out with low prices and raising them over time as she gained positive reviews on the platform.

She does say that her total earnings (before fees) = $50,000 after 2500 hours of tutoring, which works out to an average of $20/hour.

So she probably started out charging closer to $10/hour on iTalki.

Nowadays she's effectively charging $40/hour, but it clearly took a lot of time and effort for her to get to that level 📈

Use the search function on iTalki to get a sense of how much different community tutors charge. You can filter by language, type of teacher, time of day, etc.

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The Formula To Profit From Amazon

Today's email is brought to you by The Wholesale Formula.

That's a highly-rated Amazon training that's opening its doors again this month. The course creators have apparently done more than $36 million in sales via Amazon 🤑

In a few days they're running a free webinar

on this webinar, you're going to discover a 3-step formula that helped 960 folks initially sell over $1,057,143,592 on Amazon. Yes, over a billion dollars!

Even better: those 960 successes had no real "pattern." Their ages, locations and experience levels varied. Most had no previous online successes. Many started part-time. And all did it risk-free.

When you join this webinar, led by one of the top online business trainers in the world, you’ll discover the exact formula to sell on Amazon and see success.

Unsexy Business Sold for $50 Million

This newsletter is all about making money online, but let's take a quick detour into the offline world ↩️

A recent post on Reddit…

Trash collection.

Friends of mine, a husband and wife team, started this in their 20s.

By age 45, it had grown huge and they sold the company to the largest waste management processor in their country and walked away with $50 million in cash.

💬 Another comment

Carpet/sofa cleaning. Met someone who is fully booked every single day.

These stories are a good reminder that there are lots of business opportunities in the offline world.

And there may even be more opportunities offline since so many people prefer to stay behind their screens nowadays 😵‍💫

One of the largest deficits in the coming years are industry tradesmen like plumbing, electrical, hvac, etc. Most millennials were told they had to go to college. Gen Z’ers followed suit. Now nearly any tradesman worth a shit can name their price in most areas.

An article from 2020 tells a similar story 👇

The number of unfilled HVAC technician jobs is about 80,000 or 39% of technicians currently employed. On top of that, we’re suffering a net technician loss of about 8% or 20,000 per year.

(HVAC technician = someone who installs and repairs air conditioning systems.)

One more comment from that Reddit thread…

Most people my age don't want to get their hands dirty anymore. I think it has to do with the social image we now see on social media.

If someone focuses on building a business that requires physical labor or work that requires human interaction together with automated digital processes managed by AI, I believe it could be extremely successful.

Reminds me of that guy who wrote software to optimize his sister's cookie delivery business and sold $200,000 in one month 🤯

So yeah, don't get too caught up looking to make money online.

There are plenty of good business opportunities offline, usually with less competition 👍

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🗂 Imposter Syndrome vs Growth Mindset

From the archive, published January 2023…

Adam Grant tweets

Impostor syndrome: “I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s only a matter of time until everyone finds out.”

Growth mindset: “I don’t know what I’m doing yet. It’s only a matter of time until I figure it out.”

The highest form of self-confidence is believing in your ability to learn.

I have an article and video entitled, How To Rapidly Build Your Skill (And Start Getting Paid)

Included there is this list of successful people who have admitted to feeling like a fraud at one time or another 👇

  • Neil Armstrong

  • Jodie Foster

  • John Steinbeck

  • Meryl Streep

  • Chris Martin

  • Tina Fey

  • Cheryl Strayed

  • Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Jennifer Lopez

  • Daniel Radcliffe

  • Lady Gaga

  • Emma Watson

  • Denzel Washington

  • Sheryl Sandberg

  • Tom Hanks

So if you ever feel like an imposter, congratulations, you’re in great company.

And that feeling doesn’t have to stop you doing what you want to do 😉

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