This simple framework earned him $4609 in one month 🚀

eBiz Insider

Hey, it's Niall 👋

Thanks to everyone who submitted feedback on the last edition.

Seems this new format with the 5 rapid-fire business ideas – plus the meme break 😊 – is a hit, so we'll stick with that.

But now I'm thinking this newsletter could use a new name.

eBiz Insider doesn't really do it justice 😕

Any ideas for a better name?

I've included a poll at the bottom of this email with some options. You can submit your own ideas there too.

Alright, let's get to the good stuff 👇


This Simple Framework Earned Him $4609 in 1 Month

Fayaz Ahmed from India 🇮🇳 created Supersaas.

It's a coding template that comes with lots of pre-configured goodness to help developers build faster.

Apparently it earned him $4,609 in just one month  🤑

Fayaz shares how he came up with the idea…

1. Found out people were buying a X thing meant for Y
2. Realised an alternative of Y didn’t have an X of its own.
3. Built it, made it real good, and people just started buying it.

Perhaps Fayaz was inspired by Sergey K, who earned $20K in 3 months doing essentially the same thing but using another coding language.

This also reminds me of Closet Tools, an analytics tool for Poshmark that earns $35K a month.

There were already analytics tools for big marketplace sites like Amazon – and they were earning lotsa 💰 – but none for Poshmark until Closet Tools came along.


Finding It Hard To Work On Your Business?

Today's email is brought to you by the Joyful Productivity Club 🥳

That's a new program by George Kao…

… designed to help you break free from isolation, gain control of your priorities, and achieve your professional goals with consistent balance – and joy!

By joining us, you are stepping into a community of like-minded, like-hearted “soulpreneurs” who are committed to mutual support, growth, and accountability.

I've been following George for years and joyful productivity is something he seems to have mastered, while helping many others improve as well.

Give his new program a look if you’re struggling to get things done.


Boring Concrete Businesses Are Killing It

Check out this Reddit thread 👇

The top comment…

I knew a guy who… bought a very highly specialized machine that cut perfect holes of all sizes in concrete for all sorts of situations… they did extremely well indeed.

💬 Someone replies…

I know a guy with a very similar business who makes good money doing even less work... He takes X-rays of concrete… bought a specialized machine that scans / xrays the concrete and shows if there are any cables, pipes, etc…

In many jurisdictions or building regulations it is a requirement to scan before the core drilling so his business is always in demand.

Chris Koerner chimes in on X

The higher the percentage of people that never knew this business existed = the higher probability that this business needs more competitors.

Lots more examples of such businesses in the Reddit thread to spark your own ideas 🔥


$68,000 in 2 Years From Her Niche Side Project

Katt Risen's first big win as an entrepreneur happened in 2022, when her tool advisor chatbot – No-Code Guru – got acquired 🥳

She shared the news on X and "the reactions were nuts"

So she decided to start No-Code Exits, an interview-style newsletter sharing stories of other successful no-code projects 📝

Almost 2 years later, Katt revealed

I made around $33,000 with No-Code Exits

She monetized in 4 ways…

  • Info products

  • Community

  • Ads

  • Affiliates

While the newsletter only took Katt "a few hours per week" to produce, she decided to exit and ended up selling it for $35,000 💰

So overall she earned about $68K from the project in 2 years.

How about creating your own newsletter along these lines? 🤔

Pick a niche – preferably one you have experience in and/or are passionate about – and interview or profile a different influencer or expert in each edition.


Normal People vs Entrepreneurs


Free Tool For Finding Business Ideas on Reddit

Check out PainPointy, a free tool that helps you "find crispy pain points from Reddit"

Type in some keywords and it will scan Reddit and provide results in 4 categories 👇

  • Pain Points

  • Questions

  • Content Ideas

  • Patterns

🧐 I tested it out with a few queries…

From the last one…

The need for beginner-friendly content is evident, as many users are looking for structured plans that cater to those new to fitness.

That could be the basis of a blog or YouTube channel that you could eventually monetize 🤑

Try it out with some keywords for a niche you're interested in, see what ideas it comes back with.


X Data for Y Audience = $500,000 Per Year

Alex West, founder of CyberLeads, started with a simple idea: a spreadsheet listing contact info for companies that just raised funding, aimed at agencies looking for new clients.

Early on, the business was earning Alex $7,000 a month

Now, 2.5 years later, CyberLeads pulls in $500,000 a year 🤑

Apparently social media helped Alex get traction, with this random tweet going viral and landing him another 10 paying customers early on…

Got my first $50/mo customer! 🎉

Anyway, I love how Alex's product is basically just X data for Y audience.

Think about the audience you'd like to serve. What data would be valuable to them?

Or start with valuable data you have access to or can collect.

What audiences would find that valuable? 🤔

New Videos 👀


What Should I Rename This Newsletter?

Going forward, each edition will feature 5 quick business ideas. So what should I call it?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

👆 Click an option above and you should land on a page showing the voting results. You can suggest another name on that page as well.

Thanks for your help!

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