New business ideas: AI acting, selling templates, Airbnb Experiences 🤑

eBiz Insider Business Ideas Newsletter

Hey, it's Niall 👋

Before we get stuck into some fresh business ideas, I wanted to share some free music I listen to while working.

Check it out 👉 Jason Lewis on YouTube.

Great mixes there for productive work sessions.

I particularly like…

Alright, let’s get to it.


New Way To Make Money: Become an AI Actor

Check out this 19-second video on X 👀

See that woman talking in the video?

She's AI generated 🤖

Well, kind of.

She's actually a real person who uploaded some 4K video of herself speaking, and gave permission for her likeness to be used in videos like that one.

So they can make her say whatever 🤯

Within reason, of course.

Arcads is the company behind this. More examples on their site.

They link to a form from their homepage…

Apparently they will pay you to do this, but the form doesn't say how much 🤔

Still, if you're interested you can sign up and see if they get back to you.

Could be an easy way to earn some extra 💰

(Let me know if you try this!)


Making 6 Figures, Working From Anywhere

Today's email is brought to you by Comprehensive Copywriting Academy.

That's a highly-rated copywriting course by Filthy Rich Writer 🤩

One student told us

I can honestly say that without the CCA my copywriting business wouldn’t exist. Nicki walks you through everything you need to know, from the nuts and bolts of setting up a business from zero to how to write great copy. 

Thanks to her guidance, I’m making six figures and can work from anywhere.


Try This For a $100K/Year Business

Moses Araujo tweeted this business idea 👇

1. Pick a large niche (gyms, restaurants, etc.).
2. Create 5 website templates for it.
3. Reach out to potential clients.
4. Offer a website with no upfront fee.
5. Transfer their content or generate new with ChatGPT.
6. Charge $150/month for maintenance.
7. Secure 50 clients for a $100k/year business.

AJ Chadha replied with an idea for finding clients…

I’d scrape Angie’s list and reach out to those businesses. Seems like a great way to grow fast.

Or you could start this by offering it to places you go locally: your regular barber, gym, bakery, etc.

🥳 Success stories of people following a similar blueprint…


$68/Hour Via Airbnb (But Nobody Stayed At His Place)

Just found this YouTube video from 2021.

It's by a guy named Kairo who tried making money via Airbnb Experiences 🤑

He offered walking tours of London, did 40 of them, and earned $68 per hour…

$68 an hour to do some walking tours, have fun, meet new people, that's fantastic.

Other types of experiences I see people offering on Airbnb 👇

  • Cooking classes

  • Art and craft workshops

  • Music and dance classes

  • Food and drink tastings

  • Animal encounters

Heard about this via the 45-minute mark of a recent MFM podcast 🎙️

They say that this works best in big cities, where you have lots of people visiting and looking for fun things to do.

Could you give it a try in your city? 🤔


Launch Day vs 1 Year Later


$20,000 in 6 Months With No Marketing

Tibor Bregman from Amsterdam 🇳🇱 recently tweeted to his ~800 followers…

My @framer templates just made $20.000+ on @lmsqueezy in 6 months.

🚀 He started in March and…

6 months later and with only 2 templates released, I hit $20k in revenue.

Now here’s the best part: I haven’t even really started marketing my templates yet. I haven’t been building an audience, neither have I done any paid marketing.

Framer is a website builder that’s rising in popularity 📈

Tibor says his template sales have all come via Framer’s marketplace.

See his templates here 👈

Reminds me of Samar Jamil, who recently earned $10K from Framer templates in 4 months.

Looks like it's still early days in the Framer template game, so plenty of opportunity there 👍

If you're not into building templates, you could partner with someone who is and you handle the marketing side of things.


Bought it For $4000, Then Earned $20,000 in 8 Months

Iconbuddy is "a search engine that allows you to search, download, customize, and edit over 200,000 open source svg icons for free."

Mohd Danish owns the business and recently tweeted

🍾 Iconbuddy made $20k in last 8 months…

Iconbuddy was not my idea, it's @fayazara and I acquire from him for $4k in cash last year…

At that time $0 revenue and No traffic but I liked the idea, so I just bought it.

💰 Monetization…

In Jan 2024, I launched lifetime supporter plan to make unlimited search, icon manager, Figma plugins access for $49.

The price has since gone up to $89.

So Mohd bought a promising project with $0 revenue, then figured out a way to monetize 😎

I suspect he discovered Iconbuddy via X, but you could also find opportunities like this on sites like…

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