New business ideas: 2 tools for a $10K business, $1000 selling templates, $275K selling courses πŸ€‘

eBiz Insider Business Ideas Newsletter

Hey, it's Niall πŸ‘‹

A quote from famous Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw…

A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself.

I reckon the same is true in business: you learn by staggering about and making a fool of yourself πŸ€ͺ

In other words, don't be afraid to try things, to ask stupid questions, to fall on your face a few times.

The more you can do that, the faster you'll progress πŸ’ͺ

Now, let's get to some business ideas.


Use These 2 Tools To Build a $10K/Month Business

πŸ’¬ James Brooks tweets about JournoRobo…

I've released the tool I use to get mentions & backlinks from publications like Business Insider, The Daily Mail, The Times, and Ideal Home πŸ‘€

That reminded me of a similar service: PressPulse AI.

I wrote before how the founder earns $8000/month using the tool to get results for clients πŸ€‘

I'm sure lots of people could do similar.

Sign up for both tools and you could become a link building ninja…

  • JournoRobo = $30/month

  • PressPulse = $25-80/month

So about $100/month combined.

Meanwhile, link building services like this one charge clients $3-20K per month 😎

I reckon you could start off charging much less and still build a $10K/month business without too much trouble.


This Course Will Help You Build a Profitable SEO Business

Link Builder Academy is a brand new course from the guys at Authority Hacker πŸ”₯

You learn advanced tactics to build high-quality backlinks for pennies on the dollar, boosting website rankings and traffic.

Here's the idea: use these tactics to start your own SEO business.

Clients send you their websites, you build powerful backlinks for them, watch their rankings soar πŸ“ˆ

Sure, businesses could just learn link-building themselves, but many entrepreneurs and small business owners barely have time to check their email.

Link Builder Academy costs $2997 or 6 x $599 for lifetime access to 111+ video lessons. You could charge clients $500+ per link or $2000+/month for ongoing services πŸ€‘

Find businesses with poor search rankings, send them a free backlink analysis as a teaser. If they're impressed, pitch them your link-building services.


$1000 in 10 Days Despite a Tiny Audience

Firdavs Abdunazarov tweeted back in March πŸ‘‡

I'm a Framer template creator and I launched my latest template for productized agencies 10 days ago. In this timeframe, I made 21 sales and $1,000 in revenue. 

I have a tiny Twitter/X following and my template became featured in the Framer marketplace only yesterday - 10 days after launch.

He then laid out 7 steps to replicate his success.

πŸ’¬ A few months later he tweeted…

we are still so early. [Framer is] a growing market and it feels great to ride the wave.

I'm excited to see where we end up in a couple of years.

Similar stories we've covered recently...

So yeah: lots of opportunity in the Framer template market.

You could also apply Firdavs' 7 steps to create and sell other kinds of templates πŸ’ͺ


Quick Website Earned Him a Quick $25,000

John Rush shares how he built AllGPTs, a directory site for GPTs…

I was watching the OpenAI demo day… From the moment they said "Custom GPT" I went to GoDaddy and bought the domain. 

It took me 2 hours to build and launch a directory of all the custom GPTs I could find.

Overnight it went viral, becoming the most popular GPT directory.

That was last November πŸ—“οΈ

John says he made a quick $10K selling ads on the site.

Then the hype died down and he sold it a few months ago for $15,000 πŸ’°

He used his own Unicorn Platform to build the site.

How fast he identified the trend and launched the site was key πŸš€

Use the following to keep an eye on trends, try find one that would work well for a quick directory site…


This Might Be Why Your Business Failed


From Freelancer to $275K/Year E-Learning Business

Emily Reagan tells her story here πŸ‘ˆ

She started freelancing online many years ago as a way to earn consistent income while moving a lot as a military spouse…

My main services were all marketing-related in content marketing and marketing funnels.

When she had more clients than she could handle…

I started a micro agency and trained 8 women to work with me.

But she still hit a limit with how many clients she could take on πŸ˜•


Since I already had the training done and wanted to help more women find flexible work, I offered the training to the public and passed the job leads on to them.

Now her business is mainly training digital marketing assistants and helping them get hired.

Nice progression πŸ“ˆ

And a good reminder that freelancing is an excellent starter business that can lead to big things.

Check out the most in-demand skills on Upwork this year.

Could you freelance one of those? πŸ€”


Earn $500 Per Day Building These Tools With AI

πŸ’¬ Tim Bennetto tweets…

These 20+ free tools bring 10K visitors/DAY to Pallyy.

Each took 1 day to build.

- use ahrefs to find tools in your niche
- build the most simple version you can
- repeat 20x

Tim built those tools with AI πŸ€–

However, someone replied to Tim…

Repeated 100 times - no success πŸ˜…

That person tried building tools on a new website and struggled to rank.

He probably will get traffic eventually, but it's a long game.

A quicker way to monetize: build such tools for established websites.

Reach out to site owners in a niche you're familiar with, point them to Tim's tweet for proof of concept πŸ‘

Pitch them some ideas for tools you could build.

Benchmark the cost against Google ads = minimum $1.55 CPC.

1000 visitors = $155.

Each of Tim's tools bring in 10,000+ visitors per month on average.

πŸ€‘ So $500 per tool would be a fair price to charge, IMO.

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