New business ideas: $14M directory website, $100K dropshipping, $5 Per 1000 Views 🤑

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Hey, it's Niall 👋

Before we get stuck in today, here's an example of how weird online business can get.

Check out this website: 🦷

They sell "legally and ethically obtained Real Human Natural Tooth Specimens to the Educational, Medical and Research communities."

From their about page…

Ever get tired of searching around for human teeth that are almost impossible to find?

Um, no, can't say that's ever been a problem for me 😕

But if you do experience that issue, no worries: they'll sell you a set of 200 human teeth for $900 plus shipping.

Unclear how much money the site makes or who exactly runs it.

Other sites they link to and presumably own…

It's probably that weird kid from your science class who was obsessed with teeth, now all grown up and earning a good living with his online dental-themed empire 💪

Anyway, just wanted to share the weirdness.

Let's get to some business ideas.


One Of These 5 Directory Sites Earns $14M Per Year

👀 A recent video from Frey Chu…

The five 👇

1) – Simple directory of hot springs in Oregon, earning $400-700/month through display ads and affiliate links.

2) – Directory for farmers’ markets and farms. Revenue unclear but 24,000 monthly visitors. Monetized via SaaS offer (farm management CRM), featured member fees, and a shop selling farm products.

3) – Haunted house directory. Seasonal traffic, spikes to 124,000 visitors in October. Monetized via ads, YouTube, TikTok, and merch. Frey estimates $2-4K just from display ads every October.

4) – Not just a food truck directory. They also do truck sales, catering leads, localized searches. Estimated $14M annual revenue.

5) – Big directory for gravesites and memorials with 1.5M monthly visitors. Earning $60-100K/mo from display ads alone. Also sponsored by

What kind of directory site could you build? 🤔

Maybe the same as one of the examples above but for a different country or region?


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He Can't Ignore This Multi-Million $$$ Business Trend

#36 in a recent epic income report 📝 from Glen Allsopp…

One trend I can’t ignore – and actually find super interesting – is how many companies there are helping niche-specific businesses with their operations.

As an example, he points to bsport, which recently raised €30M in funding…

Their software helps studios offering instruction for yoga, pilates, boxing, martial arts and similar interests, as well as manage memberships and admin work to grow their revenue.

Glen gives 4 more examples of this trend…

JobNimbus – CRM for roofing business owners and contractors – $330M
Mangomint – Helps salons and spas manage their daily operations – $35M Series B
Semble – Helps healthcare companies manage their practice – $15.3M Series B
Archy – Helps power your entire dental practice – $15M Series A

Perhaps the best way to get in on this 👇

  • Start out as an automation consultant (like Mike Cardona).

  • Focus on a particular niche.

  • Keep an eye out for recurring problems that could use a software solution.


Zero to $100K/Month Dropshipping in Only 9 Months

A video posted on YouTube a few months back 👇

That's an interview with Ben, a train driver from the UK 🇬🇧

He started 9 months earlier and built a dropshipping business to $100K/month in revenue.

He mentions that his niche is clothing, but provides few details beyond that.

🤑 Profit margin unclear, but sounds good…

I was kind of break even… for like 6 months and now it's really solidified… I'm getting consistent sales everyday, crazy profits which is insane

Ben says his dropshipping biz is paying him more than his full-time job now.

Worth noting that Ben signed up for a mentorship program to help build his business. The video is actually a case study for that mentorship program 🧐

Nonetheless, it all sounds legit and shows that dropshipping can still be a profitable business to start nowadays, especially with the right guidance.

Another video from the same channel that dives more into the "branded dropshipping" approach…


The Ultimate Home Offish


Get Paid To Play With This AI Tool: $5 Per 1000 Views

📝 A story I shared a few months back…

That tool is 3D AI Studio, and they recently launched a bounty program 🚀

Cole tweets that he's earning money from that…

getting paid $5 per 1,000 views for @3DAIStudio is free money

make 5 tiktoks daily, post everywhere get 10k views on each

that’s 150,000 view

make $750 per day

If you like playing around with AI tools then this is one you can actually get paid to play with 👍

You'd have to pay $14/mo for access though.

3 ways to earn from the bounty program 👇

  • $5 per post (limited to 1 post per platform).

  • Create a YouTube video showcasing 3D AI Studio. Payment: $150 per 1,000 views.

  • Post about 3D AI Studio on TikTok, Twitter, or Instagram. Payment: $5 per 1,000 views.


35 Startup Ideas To Start in 2025

Greg Isenberg posts a list of 35 startup ideas to start in 2025 🚀

Pretty much all of them are AI based, which hints at where the puck is heading these days.

3 from the list that I particularly like 👇

8. tool finding abandoned AI/saas side projects under $100k ARR. acquirers want cheap assets. charge for deal flow. Could also buy some of these yourself. Build media business around it.

10. marketplace for AI implementation specialists. startups need fast deployment. 20% placement fee.

16. agent converting YouTube tutorials into interactive courses. creators leaving money on table. charge per conversion or split revenue with them.

I had a quick look around and a tool like Monsha could be used for the latter 💪

Find popular educational YouTubers in a particular niche, see if you can partner with them to turn their most-watched videos or playlists into courses.

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I've put together an ebook of a few dozen ideas recently featured in the newsletter…

If you'd like to support this newsletter, I also have the ebook listed for sale on Gumroad, where you can pay whatever you want for it.

Or grab it for $0.99 on Amazon or Etsy.

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